Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26, 2011

Outside Temp: Not sure, probably in the 30's somewhere.

What I cooked today:
Again, nothing... But the cafeteria here is great, and it's kind of nice to not have to do any dishes.

We are still in-patient, but Ryan is doing really well. We haven't had any more issues and he is climbing the walls. All day long, he has been asking me to help him play his XBox games!
Assuming we get through the night with no fevers, and no cultures suddenly turn positive, and he continues not having any retching or throwing up, and all his electrolytes are good in the morning, then we might discuss discharge. Until then, I'm just trying to stay away from the vending machine that has candy bars that are just calling my name!

On the good side, I had plenty of time today to start addressing my Christmas cards. I haven't done Christmas cards in about 4 years. I figure, there are plenty of family and friends that don't have my new address, so what better way to let them know then to send them a card first?! Of course, that would imply that I had addresses for all my family and friends, which I don't, so I also spent a large amount of time online on, looking up addresses for my family (which is kind of lame, since most of them are in the same house they have been in for the last 10-20 years).

The kids had pictures taken at school last week, so it will be about 2-3 weeks before I get those pictures back. I was going to include the kids school pictures in some of my cards, but since that would mean that I wouldn't be mailing the cards until the week of Christmas, a backup plan is in order.

I'm hoping that once we get home, I can have the parents take a family picture of us, so I can include a picture in my cards. But that would entail not only taking the picture, but actually having it printed up. I'm not sure if 2 whole steps might be too much for me, but I have every intention of doing it... Do I get credit for intentions?

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