Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18, 2011

Outside Temp: 4 F (yes, 4... it should be below 0 by midnight)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta (with leftover sauce):  I had only defrosted about a pound of meat, and we ended up with an extra guest, so Patrick and I had pasta and the kids had burgers.  It worked out great!

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Just to cement my 'awesome mom' status, I had to make cookies tonight.  Is there anything better?

Spiced Apple Cider: It got pretty cold today, and hot cider is totally awesome. 

Our tires didn't show up today, so we have to wait until Monday to get our car back.  That's fine, since I really have no desire to go anywhere until the snow stops. 

It's actually quite beautiful, if you're inside a warm house, drinking hot apple cider.

But you have to be careful while driving, or else:

This big rig got blown over from the winds!

The boys had a friend, Kenneth, stay over tonight.  He's on the team, so we just brought him home with us after the game.  He said my house was cool, which I think is because of the 4 computers in the living room.  I hope he wasn't too bored, playing computer games with the boys.  Tomorrow should be fun, since we'll probably head up to the parents place to play in the snow. 

And Katie missed the bus after school.  Apparently, on Fridays, they play games for the last 15-20 minutes of class.  And she got so caught up in the game, that she forgot about the bus.  No problems, though.  One of the teachers just took her home and we picked her up on the way to the game.  I love my school.

The boys won their game, again.  And the boys both got to play.  They had their last practice of the season yesterday, and Connor was actually upset.  I think he finally started to like basketball, so it's kind of sad that it's over.  We have a game next Monday and Tuesday, and then we're done.  It's been a great (short) season!  The boys had pictures taken today, so I'll post them as soon as I get them. 

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