Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

Outside Temp: 38 F (and dropping... lots of cold wind today and we should get some snow tonight)

What I cooked today:
Burritos: With our busy day, I didn't have much time to make anything.  So, we went with burritos, which were super easy and quick!  They were done in less than 20 minutes, so we had some time to hang out before putting the kids to bed (by 8:45pm!)

So, if you read yesterday's post, you know that we saw wolf tracks while we were playing in the snow.  We've been meaning to start the ball rolling with getting a firearm to protect ourselves, if we choose to head into the woods, and yesterday's observation just pushed us another step.  Of course, to get a gun in Montana, you have to have a Montana Driver's License.

We've been meaning to get the whole 'license' thing done, since we've been her over a month, but we've heard that it's easier if you go to Lewistown instead of Great Falls, since in GF, you have to take a test and you have to have an appointment and there's a line and stuff like that.  In Lewistown, there is no line and you don't have to take a test.  So, after Ryan's IEP this morning, Patrick, Ryan and I, jumped back on the highway for the 60 mile drive into Lewistown. 

(on a side note, I almost had Patrick pull over so I could take pictures... The clouds were amazing and it was so beautiful...)

We got to the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT, our version of the DMV I guess) and there was one guy there, Joe.  Really nice guy!  We filled out our forms and got together our paperwork.  I have my original birth certificate (from Spain), my social security card, and my CA drivers licence.  Patrick had his passport and his driver's license.  And we had the bill from the energy company. 

Joe looked at our electric bill and said "uh oh".  You see, the service address for the house is "one block west of the mint bar".  That doesn't work as a residential address, since it doesn't correspond to our actual address. So, he can't use it as 'proof of residency'.

He called up the energy company, to ask them about it,

They said: "That's the address we have on file". 

He said: "You are required by federal law to have an actual address.". 

And they responded: "Yea, so?". 

He hung up with them and asked us: "Do you have a copy of a rental agreement?", which we don't.  (oh yea, one more thing on my list).

"There is one other thing you can try... Do you have a voter registration card?"

I've never even heard of such a thing, since in CA, the workers at the voting booths aren't even allowed to ask for ID.  But, apparently, a voter ID card is proof of residency.

But, we had to go back to Stanford (about 45 minutes back towards Geyser) to the county courthouse in Judith Basin, to register to vote.  So, we told him we'd be back in a few days.

We got to the Judith Basin courthouse (which is beautiful, by the way) and went to the county clerk and recorder's office.  There was only one employee in the County Clerk's office.  We explained that we wanted to get registered to vote and she was so nice!  She got us the forms and we filled them out and 10 minutes later we had our proof of residency in the form of a voter registration card! 

Now we just have to make the hour trek back to Lewistown... :)

After our adventures, we brought Ryan back to school for his afternoon class (he's seeing his teacher M-Th, from 1:30-3:30).  The elementary school was having their Halloween parade around 2:30, so he had a short day, then we made up his face like a zombie and he joined in the fun!  Katie walked around to the classroom's with him, which was so nice.  Then the school had a carnival with the (you guessed it) cake walk and bean bag toss and fishing pole game, along with a few others.  The junior high and high school kids ran all the games and the kids had a great time!  Ryan joined in the fun and we all came home with enough candy that we didn't have to go trick or treating tonight!  (We skipped the Haunted House in Geyser tonight, and had to feel a little bad about that.  Okay, I'm done)

Woo Hoo!  My least favorite holiday is finally over!

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