Friday, October 28, 2011

October 28, 2011

Outside Temp: 51 F

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta.  We had so much going on today, I didn't have time to cook.  Okay, that's not true.  I could have cooked something that would have been done when we had time to eat, but I didn't.  I know, not cool.  But no one seemed to mind!

The boys played against Centerville today, and WON!!  Woo Hoo!  It was amazing how much better the team played today!  The coach has been really running drills and there was a time (I think the entire 3rd period) where both Allen and Connor played, without the help of their two best players.  They did great!  I noticed that they seemed more confident of their place in the game, and they didn't seem as confused.  Allen still needs to work on Offensive vs. Defensive, but he's getting better.  Their dribbling has really improved!  I've heard their coach was good, and now I really believe it!  Final Score: 32-16.

As many of you may know, Patrick and I are not much into the whole 'Halloween' thing.  It's usually Jen and Mandi's thing, so we have always let them do Halloween, while we stay home grateful that we don't have to get dressed up and do things. 

But, up here, we felt that we were required to put in an appearance at the local Halloween party. I actually wanted to go, but I worried about the whole costume thing.  I haven't had a real Halloween costume in years. 

The local 'Raynesford Community Center' has both an 'Adult' party (which was tonight) and a 'Kids' party (tomorrow).  So, we ran into Great Falls today to see what we could come up with as far as costumes, not only for us, but for all the kids.  Yes, I'm that parent, who waits until the complete last second to grab the remaining options for Halloween costumes.  I'll post pictures of the kids tomorrow (and then they have a parade in school on Monday) but I was economical since Patrick's costume can be used by Allen tomorrow.  And my cape can be used by Connor tomorrow.  Two costumes for the price of one!

We had a blast at the party tonight!  We played 'Beer Pong', without the beer, which, I know, makes no sense.  And we came in second (out of about 12), which was amazing since I haven't played beer pong since college!  Also, they wanted to have a 'head on a platter' and Allen was recruited.  So, we made up his face and he sat on the floor under the table, waiting for some unsuspecting guest to take the lid off his dish.  Needless to say, he had a great time with that one (and not just because at 13, he was allowed to attend the 'Adult' party!).  They got some good pictures, but I didn't get a copy tonight... I'll post it tomorrow, assuming I get a copy.

Everyone at the party was great, although I'm struggling with remembering who is whom.  Especially, when they have costumes on!  There was a woman there who was dressed up as Robin Hood, complete with the beard and mustache.  I totally thought it was a guy, but I couldn't place him... I knew I'd met him before... Patrick explained it about 30 minutes into the party, and boy, did I feel like an idiot!


  1. oh my goodness you are so cute!! I'm so happy for you guys!

  2. Happy Halloween to you! I'd say you are into it now. Great costume set ups what with the reusing, smart thinking. I am so enjoying your blogs.

  3. Thanks Linda and Sue! :)
