Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Outside Temp: 31 F

This was the view from my car on the drive to take Ryan to school this afternoon.  I was so excited to see the mountains, I had to pull off the road to take a picture!  I can't wait to see it when it's covered in snow!

What I cooked today:

Spaghetti Sauce:  Since the boys had the game today, I wanted something that I could throw together quickly when we got home, but was still warm and filling.  Of course, the first thing I thought of was my spaghetti sauce.  Using my slow cooker (and my secret ingredient of about 1/4 bottle of Merlot), it was simmering along by 11 this morning.  When we got back from the game, I threw together the pasta and put the rolls in the oven, and dinner was ready by 8:30pm (the game was over by 7:30, and Belt is about 15 minutes away!)  We also had enough extra that we could invite Uncle Tom (Patrick's mom's brother) and of course, the parents, to dinner!

Homemade Dinner Rolls:  I have a recipe for a sweet bread dough, so I made that up before the game and let it rise while we were gone.  Once we got home, I rolled it into rolls, and tossed it in the oven, so we had fresh hot dinner rolls with our sauce!

Brownies:  We needed a dessert to celebrate the boy's first game, so I grabbed the box of Brownie Mix and cooked those up between bringing Katie and Ryan home from school and heading out to the game (about an hour).  I had just enough time to get them together before we ran out the door, and they went over great!  Oh yea, like anyone has EVER complained about brownies!

So, the boys had their first game tonight against Belt.  And the thing I learned quickly: my camera stinks.  Either that, or I can't take pictures, or maybe, basketball games are hard to photograph.  Below are some of the pics I took tonight. 

The only clear picture I got was of Allen's behind (number 34).  Lovely.

The game was great and the boys played well.  Not great, but I was really proud that they both played about a quarter and they kept running up and down the court, without complaint.  Allen got the concept of defense just fine.  He covered his 'guy' and blocked him great.  His only problem was the transition from defense to offensive.  He kept blocking his guy when his own team had the ball.  :)

Our team has been practicing for about 4 days.  The team we played had been practicing for about 2 1/2 weeks.  So, yea, we lost.  But we played well and I was really proud of my boys! 

The kids also got to go to a field trip into Stanford (about 20 miles) today.  They had a 'play' at the local community center, which meant they all loaded up on the bus and went to the production.  They also got out of about 2 hours of class time, which is the really awesome thing about field trips! 

We had a beautiful rain storm today/tonight.  They (the forecasters) have claimed that we might get a little snow tonight, so we'll see if there is ice in the morning.  I see a cold morning coming!

1 comment:

  1. LOL :) I can't take motion photos either! Nice try though. Wine is great in beef stew too! I have the other recipe I was telling you about. I'll put that in a message on FB for you :)

    Hope you're enjoying the snow (if you got it) and careful on the ice!

