Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1, 2012

Outside Temp: 41 F (it was supposed to snow tonight... I don't really see that happening unless it drops another 10 degrees, and starts raining... maybe tomorrow... )

What I cooked today:
Orange Chicken: Katie had to do the dishes tonight, so I thought if I made something she liked, she might not complain as much.  Although she was not happy, she did the dishes without complaint.  Woo Hoo! 

We saw a house that we might be renting today.  Although it needs some work, mostly just a little love and a little elbow grease, we have a few things we need to check on first.  Most important would be if the location can get DSL.  I'm not sure Patrick could survive with dial up.  :)

Allen got to go to a Health Care Career Day in Great Falls today.  He really enjoyed himself (I think because he got to miss half of the school day)!  Of course, he's only 13 and in 7th grade, so he has a while before he really has to think about long term careers.  But it was great to get him thinking about stuff like this early.  He kept asking if I thought it would be a good idea for him to be a surgeon.  I laughed.  Uhhh, sure.  Why not? 

Most important, I finally got my garbage dumped!  Patrick and his dad took the garbage to the dump this afternoon, which was so totally awesome.  Who knew, a little thing like removal of garbage could feel so awesome. 

I'm also working on a new project.  I haven't programmed in a while (I was kind of busy with homeschooling and stuff like that), but I find myself with some free time lately.  So, I decided to work on a web site application that can keep track of my recipes and my meal planning.  If I do it right, I can select recipes, drag and drop them on the calendar, then print out both the meal plan and  the shopping list.  Since I have to plan my meals in advance, since I can't run to the store to pick up green onions or sugar anymore, it would make things easier if I had a program to help me keep track of it. 

I sometimes forget how much I LOVE to write computer programs.  Patrick and I first met in a computer lab (yes, I know, totally geeky), and our first couple of weeks consisted of him helping me through my first computer classes.  That feeling I get when I make something work, is just awesome.  I know, most people might think it's lame, but that's me. 

I'll update when the program gets a little further along.  If it's something that something thinks they can use, I can design it to have multiple users.  And if it's just me, that's okay too! 

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