Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 2012

Outside Temp: 14 F (it's been snowing most of the day, and the temp has ranged from the high 30's to the low teens.  Fortunately, I didn't have to drive today, except the block to and from church)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: Katie wanted meat, and she didn't care what kind.  Two days this week of no meat (Ash Wednesday and Friday for Lent) was really getting to her.  Allen wanted pasta.  I made everyone happy... Go me!

So, Ryan's bug turned into a real bug.  We got the call last night from the doctor that his culture was growing Gram Negative Rods, which is medical speak for an infection.  Patrick and I figured that it was probably an infection, since he started shivering after we hooked up his TPN, so this just confirmed it.  We packed up the bag and Patrick headed into town.  We are totally fortunate that our doctor is also the hospitalist, which means that he's the doctor on the Peds floor (at least last night).  When Patrick walked into the hospital, Ryan's room was all ready for him, and his antibiotics were waiting. 

After about an hour, his shivers had stopped and he was feeling better.  Antibiotics are so stinking cool!

He still has a slight fever (around 99ish), but he might have a cold on top of the infection.  Of course, this little trip into the hospital will alter our plans for Seattle, but that's okay.  We are thinking that the hospital might just fly us out there during this admission, or we might delay our clinic visit for another few weeks. 

Patrick said he has been behaving today, and even tried eating some things.  We are debating if I'm going in tomorrow to switch with him.  I said I wouldn't mind, but he has to get the kids ready for school, ON TIME, in the mornings... That might be reason enough to stay.  That, and the shower with real water pressure...

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