Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

Outside Temp: 13 F (A little more snow today, not much... So pretty!)

What I cooked today:
Chili and Cornbread: Of course, I only had one little can of kidney beans, so we had mostly ground beef and tomatoes, with a few kidney beans.  Oh well, it still got all eaten up.  And we have some leftover cornbread to munch on tomorrow!

So, we have officially been accepted into the community.  Apparently, there is a rumor around town about us.  I had to laugh at the comment: "Everybody is talking about it."  Must be a slow day around here.  Oh well, I guess this is what you get in small towns.  The good part is that I'm sure there will be another rumor next week about someone else.

We are still looking for a new place to live.  We found a place we were pretty happy with, but it was a little small (3 bedrooms, so all 3 boys would have to bunk together).  Then we found out today that we might be able to rent a place with 5 bedrooms, but it won't be available for a few months.  Now, we have to decide what to do. 

We talked with our current landlord today, and he seems pretty happy to have us stay a while longer (at least through the winter, as we're paying the heating bills), assuming no one wants to buy the place.  We're asking some questions, trying to determine if the larger place will work for us, while still keeping the smaller place in our minds.  I'm trying to be positive that everything will work out for us eventually.

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