Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 17, 2012

Outside Temp: 17 F (it was darn right warm today... somewhere in the 50's?)

What I cooked today:
Tacos: Totally easy and made everyone happy.

I'm feeling better... at least better enough to spend 4 hours in town today. 

I even managed to go to the library.  I haven't been in a public library in probably 20 years.  Not since high school.  But since the Great Falls library allows you to 'borrow' e-books for your Kindle, I thought it would be worth it.  Patrick wanted some books on hydroponics and Connor is doing a report on Jefferson, so I picked up a few books for them.

I got into one of Connor's books on Jefferson during lunch.  Who knew how interesting the election of 1800 was?  The battle between the Federalists, who wanted big government, and the Republicans, who wanted limited government.  Hmmm, sound very familiar... I wonder how it ended?

Then, when I got home, I looked up the e-book stuff.  I spent the last 3 hours reading a book that I didn't have to pay for, on my Kindle!  Woo Hoo!

To top off the day, one of the people at the school posted a picture of Allen dancing yesterday... LOVE IT!


  1. It was called the Democratic Republican party, which was today's Democratic Party. The modern Republican Party was not established until 1854 over slavery, and was called the GOP around 1875.
    The Federalists controlled the national government until 1801 and the party was gone by 1816

  2. True, it was called the Democratic Republicans, although the book I was reading kept calling it the Republican party. But in the 1890's, although called the Democratic party, with the selection of William Jennings Bryan, their platform differed significantly from Jefferson's party and became much more similar to today's Democratic party.

    In the same election, the GOP moderated some of their prohibition and temperance platforms, to attract voters who didn't like Bryan's legislative morality. So the two parties (Democratic and Republican) moved closer together, to gain the votes of that coveted middle ground, thus leading to our current 'One' party system.

    Argh, you got me discussing politics, which I wasn't going to do! :)
