Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 26 F (we had some snow flurries today, but nothing stuck... we are 'scheduled' to have snow or rain for the rest of the week)

What I cooked today:
French Toast (with bacon):  Okay, the bacon was on the side, not actually in the french toast.  But, as Connor says, everything is better with bacon... Smart kid.

Spaghetti Sauce: I didn't have time to make it in the crock pot (okay, so I had time, but I didn't get started until about 4pm, so given that, I didn't have time... Had I scheduled earlier, I would have had time), so I just made it in a pot on the stove.  It wasn't bad, but it didn't have time to really absorb all the flavors.  No complaints, though, and there's a little extra for lunch tomorrow.

So, I struggle with 'President's Day', since I don't think the office of the President is significant enough to justify a holiday, especially with some of the offenses of some of our presidents.  I really don't like us elevating the President to the status of a king, as some do, since he is simply a man who has been elected to a position.  But, it does mean that I get a Monday where I don't have to wake up and get the kids ready for school, so I can't complain too much. 

Katie had a birthday party for one of her friends as school, so I was up somewhat early (by 9:30am) making breakfast for everyone.  I was able to finish up my three thousand loads of laundry, that didn't get done last week, due to my illness.  Okay, it wasn't really 3000 loads of laundry, but it has been running for the last two days, practically non-stop. 

We are also starting to plan our trip to Seattle.  Ryan has clinic in Seattle on the 1st of March.  We are probably going to drive (it's about a 9-10 hour drive), since it's cheaper and faster than the train, and no one wants to fly.  We'll probably stay an extra day to sightsee or something like that.  I've never been to Seattle, so I'm hoping that we have a good time.  More importantly, I'm hoping that Ryan stays healthy, since our hotel reservations are non-refundable. 

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