Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

Outside Temp: 29 F (again, didn't step a foot outside)

What I cooked today:
Soup: I talked Patrick into making dinner, but he got called away with work stuff, so I had to brown the meat and toss in the veggies.  But since he did all the cutting of the veggies, I guess he gets to claim he cooked.  Not sure exactly what you would call the soup, but it was a sort of ground beef, vegetables, taco seasoning stew, and pretty good.  (Considering that I can't smell anything)

Still sick.

Praying that I feel better tomorrow. 

In my head, while I was debating writing my blog tonight, or just skipping it, I was coming up with the top 10 reasons why it sucks to be sick, but I kept forgetting them as I thought of new ones.  Here's what I have as of this moment:

10. Unable to remember basic facts.  Allen will be studying FDR and the New Deal, on which I know I have strong opinions, and I can't remember what my opinion is.  Then we went on to Algebra, one of my favorite subject (I know, I'm nuts), and I couldn't remember which axis was X and which was Y.  I'm useless to the kids until I feel better.

9.  Everyone want to snuggle with you, and all you want is to be left alone.  I don't want to get anyone else sick, my breath is toxic, I ache everywhere, and yet, my kids need to give me hugs.  Ah, I love them, and I'm grateful for them, so I'll suffer through the snuggles. 

8. The simple knowledge of everything that is not getting done while you're in bed.  I know that laundry will still be waiting for me, when I feel better.  We're out of milk and fabric softener.  I need to order more ground beef.  And that doesn't help me want to get better any time soon!  (at least the kids are keeping up on the dishes, so I don't have to worry about those!)

7.  That period of time between the time you realize you're sick and you finally break down and take something for it.  It usually takes me between 5-10 hours of sniffing and sneezing and aching and stuffy, pressure head, and complaining, before I get around to taking something.  We have plenty of medicine in the bathroom, just waiting patiently for someone to use it.  But no, I have to be stoic or something. 

6.  NyQuil is not as effective as it used to be.  I vividly remember taking NyQuil as a kid (or young adult) and being unconscious for 10 straight hours.  In fact, if you woke me up before the 10 hours were up, I would feel drunk and totally out of it.  Either they've modified the recipe or that extra weight makes a difference.  Last night, the NyQuil lasted a total of 5 1/2 hours.  Which means I was up at 3:30 am, sniffling again.  Of course, I didn't want to take more, since I had to get the kids up for school at 7.  So, I just suffered. 

5.  Boring.  Even when I'm sick, I can only sleep so much.  Mostly, because I kept sniffing and sneezing.  So, I'd lay in bed, tossing and turning, trying to get the ache out of my shoulders.  I gave up trying to sleep and tried to read instead.  After reading the same page about 4 times, I gave up.  I should have known better than to try to read The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, when I'm sick. 

4.  Inability to smell.  In this case, it was a good thing, since Patrick complained there was something that wasn't right in the fridge.  The smell was so bad that he was gagging.  But, since I couldn't smell anything anyway, I was able to go through all the leftovers until I found the leftover mashed potatoes from last week (or was it the week before?).  Of course, it also means that I couldn't smell the awesome dinner we had, but I guess I'll be grateful for little things.

3.  Other people just don't appreciate how loud they talk.  In my family, everyone (yes, me included) talk way, way too loud.  In fact, the standard operating procedure is that if the other person isn't responding, just talk louder.  Of course, when you are trying to sleep in the next room, it's insane.  I yelled a few times for them to quiet down, but they were talking too loud to hear me.  When I banged on the wall, Patrick came in and said "Are we too loud?".  Uh, duh!

2.  Ability to focus is gone.  I asked the kids the same question about 3 times, before I just gave up.  If they went to school without their gloves, I really don't care.

1.  Breathing is totally taken for granted.  Who knew how useful it was to be able to breathe through your nose when you sleep?  Now I have chapped lips. 

1 comment:

  1. Even when you are sick, you come up with great stuff! You are awesome. I hope you feel better soon!
