Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 22 F (again, it's been in the high 40's - low 50's all day)

What I cooked today:
Pizza: I used the personal pizzas from Little Caesars Fundraising kit tonight.  They were fun, because everyone got to have exactly what they wanted on their own little pizza.

Patrick and I went into town today, while 3 of the 4 kids hung out with Grandma (Allen got to go skiing with Grandpa today).  The Realtor from Great Falls showed the house today, so we had to be gone anyway.  It's actually kind of nice to have to clean the house, since I end up with a clean house out of the deal.  I know it's kind of a pain, but I really hope that the owner can sell the place.  That may sound a little strange, since if he sells the place, we'd have to move, but since we're planning on moving anyway, I'm just grateful he let us rent it in the first place!

The only downside is that we'll have to actually move again.  Which means I need to start thinking about boxing things up.  And, of course, the ugly part of moving the furniture.  I'm soooo not looking forward to that.  We have a piano... 'nuff said. 

In town today, it was in the high 40's (ish).  We saw many people out and about in t-shirts and saw one guy in shorts.  I had to laugh, since I'm sure 50 degrees up here is summer weather.  He even had flip-flops on!  Patrick and I both thought we were too warm with our sweaters on, over a t-shirt, with jeans.  In February!!

The weather is a little bit different from what I expected.  I really thought that it would be freezing every day from November until May.  But here we are, in February, with only a few days of snow and a few days below 0.  I'm sure winter will be here soon enough, so I'm trying not to be worried.  Out here, the farmers need a certain amount of moisture for their crops.  I only pray that we'll have a wet spring!

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