Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11, 2012

Outside Temp: 17 F (a little chilly, and no more snow)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Potatoes: You know that day where you really, really don't want to cook dinner.  If we were in CA, we totally would have gone out to eat tonight.  But, alas, no food within 20 miles, so, I had to make dinner.  Of course, the troops were rightly grateful, but I still didn't want to make it.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (without the chips!): The kids made cookie dough a few nights ago, so they have learned how easy it is to make.  They love the dough and Patrick suggested they leave out the chips.  I thought he was nuts, but it made everyone happy.  I seriously doubt if the dough will ever see an oven.

I got to do the readings for church, again.  It was easier this time, since I'm starting to feel more comfortable reading in front of people.  It's a great way to get over my (very common) fear of speaking in public.  I think I'll have Allen read next week, since it would be great for him to get the experience.  I love that we have this opportunity!

We also assigned liturgical assignments for the year, so both Patrick and I (and the grandparents) got ourselves assigned to multiple positions in the church.  I love how easily they have accepted us into the community.  Of course, they may just be happy to have a warm body able to do these things.  But I'm trying to think that they might actually like us.

Ryan joined us for dinner, again, and managed to eat 1/2 of his hamburger, some potatoes and a few green beans.  I know, it doesn't sound like much.  But for him, it's a feast!  He's still learning about not stuffing his face, swallowing between bites and using his drink to wash down his food.  But he's eating!  I can't wait for clinic (probably next week, or maybe the week after) to see how his weight is doing.  I'm so excited!

At school last week, Ryan's teacher had him name off things in the fridge.  Items like a cob of corn, or a turkey (or chicken, I couldn't tell) or milk or ice cream or Popsicles.  Ryan couldn't really name most of the items.  And his teacher thought he just didn't know the names.  I was trying not to laugh too hard and I said, "Not bad for a kid who doesn't eat."  She just looked at me stunned, then laughed.  She'd forgotten that he doesn't eat!  But, if he keeps eating like he has been, maybe by next year, he'll know some of those items.  Especially the ice cream! 

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