Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 39 F (it was still windy today, but clear and nice.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Macs & Cheese: I had to whip up something quick since we got home late from our music program.  It took longer to defrost the meat than to make the whole meal!

The kids had their Elementary and Middle School Christmas program today.  I had the bad parent moment when I realized that, while I had my camera, I had forgotten to put in the SD card or charge it.  As a result, I ended up with exactly 1 picture of the kids, and it didn't even have Connor in it.  Not a proud moment for me.

As you can see, Allen got to play 'Santa', while Katie was an elf.  Connor got to be Rudolph, which was awesome, but I didn't get a picture (again, bad mom).  The play was so cute, and the kids all seemed happy to be up there.  Sometimes, kids can be in these 'school plays' and just seem bored or annoyed that they are up there.  But the kids all had smiles and seemed to get into their parts... especially Allen, who acted his way through the whole thing!  It was awesome!  Our music director is just amazing and all the kids did great!

Afterwards, we had a surprise visit from the real Santa, who passed out treats for all the kids.  Nothing like a good wholesome Christmas play, that ends with candy!

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