Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 13, 2012

Outside Temp: 31 F (clear most of the day, stayed between 25-35 all day... )

What I cooked today:
Nothing... I know, I'm a slacker.

Busy day!

We kept Ryan home from school again, because of the rash on his chest.  It looks, acts and smells like a yeast infection on the skin, so we are treating it with anti-fungal meds, and (hopefully) all will be good in another day or two.  We'll keep treating it for the next 2 weeks, but that just means using a topical anti-fungal whenever we change the dressing.  No IV meds, no oral meds, no problems!

I pulled the kids out of school at 3pm, so we could race over to Great Falls for Ryan Dr appt.  (we were even able to sneak in the boys allergy shots while we were there!).  I absolutely LOVE Ryan's doctor!  He had already gotten the results of the Seattle trip, with the changes to his TPN (we are decreasing both the volume and the calories, since he is doing so well! Woo hoo!) and his lab results.  All numbers look good.  He looked over his chest rash and said we were doing perfect, and he would order us some more meds.  He also offered to call the school tomorrow to get the paperwork taken care of and faxed back, etc., so that Ryan can start staying for lunch. 

After the Dr. Appt, we went over to Skiers Edge, to get the kids ski rentals for the season.  They all have season passes, but we learned quickly that the rental rates add up over time.  The 'pro shop' has a deal where kids can get rentals for the entire season (skis, boots and poles) for $120.  Not too bad when you figure that the rental rate is about $25 a day!  Allen already has his own boots and skis, but Katie, Connor and Ryan are now all set.  We have their poles now, and the skis and boots will be ready in time for skiing next Saturday, right after the last day of school!  Woo hoo!

We then ended up at Chili's and had a great dinner with the entire family.  When the check came, it was for way too low, so I checked the bill, and she had somehow transposed numbers, ending up with about $40 off.  I (of course) called it to her attention, and she was extremely grateful.  I don't know if they would have taken the difference out of her pay for the night, but I'm sure that there would have been some repercussions.  I (being me) turned it into a teachable moment for the kids.  Yes, I could have walked away without paying my entire bill, but that would be stealing (and lying), and I just don't do that.  I would feel way too guilty anyway!

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