Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 26 F (I've decided that there is this sweet spot in the temperature.  If it's over 40, it's not that cold and a sweater works.  If it's less than 20, you put on thermals and gloves and you're fine.  But that 20-40 range, it actually feels colder because I'm not prepared.  That's it. I'm just leaving gloves in my purse at all times.)

What I cooked today:
Chicken and rice: Patrick just raved about my chicken the other night.  I didn't have all the ingredients to make it again, but he still begged for it.  So, we had chicken without the vegetables.  It still got all eaten up. 

Next semester, I mentoring an online 'Video Game Design' class at the school.  Right now, it looks like 7-8 students might be in it, which is awesome.  I have no idea how easy or hard this class may be, but I am really looking forward to it.  I wish I had a chance to take a class like this when I was in high school, or college for that matter.  But they weren't offered at my high school (or if they were, I don't know if I would have taken it.)  And in college, I was too busy getting my degree to spend the time with fun classes, like game design.  So, I guess I'll learn now!

Our 'Web Design' class is winding down.  They still have a final exam after the Christmas break, but their final project is all completed.  It was so much fun to help the kids through this class.  At the beginning, none of my students could any of the HTML or code.  They were a little intimidated by the first few projects, but now, they have created multiple projects with multiple pages of HTML and JavaScript.  I'm so proud of how they all did in the class.  And I'm so blessed that I had the chance to help them through it!

There are only 2 days left of school, and the kids are chomping at the bit to be done.  It's also the end of the semester, which means finals (or in their case, end of the chapter tests, since NO ONE wants to start a new chapter at the end of a semester!).  Allen and Connor were watching 'A Christmas Story' in class today... arguably one of the best Christmas movies of all time.  Awesome.

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