Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 32 F (there was a threat of snow today, but to be just a threat... Clear and beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Fettuccine Alfredo: Allen LOVES Alfredo, so I thought I'd spoil him rotten tonight.  He was very, very grateful!

I started the morning with Katie at the Belt Church. There was a breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus, with pancakes and sausage and eggs.  I LOVE having breakfast that I don't have to make!  I also got a chance to chat with some wonderful people (which is really the reason I do it!)

I sent Katie home with Grandma and Grandpa while I headed into town.  I haven't done much Christmas shopping, but there were some things I really wanted to get.  So, I wandered through some stores, looking at things that I have no intention of buying, finally picking out a few things and trying to get out of the store without going over budget.  I didn't do too bad!

I also stopped at Office Max and got some computer chairs for the boys.  They have been using normal folding chairs to work at the desks in their room, and it was time to get them something a little more real.  Allen was thrilled... He asked if he could sleep in his new chair.  I said no.

There are only 5 more days of school before we are out for Christmas, so the kids are getting ready for the end of the semester.  Allen has his final in History tomorrow, so I guess the teacher isn't doing much for the rest of the week.  Part of his studying was to write the answers to a bunch of sample questions (my assignment, not his teachers).  One of the questions was to write everything you know about the 100 years war.  His answer was about 3 paragraphs... on a study guide.  I guess if you are going to study, it's best to over do it, rather than under do it!  Now, I just hope he does well on the test!

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