Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 20 F (it was up to 57 today!  The snow is melting, but I don't think it's going anywhere fast... )

What I cooked today:
Pumpkin Pie: Patrick wanted pie crust dough... not the actual crust, not the pie, but the dough.  I asked if that meant that I needed to make pie, and he said he would make it.  Then he proceeded to ask me how to make it.  "Use the cookbook."  I said.  "Which one?"  Ugh.  I ended up watching him make this pie dough, giving suggestions and pointers.  Once he got it made up, he asked if he needed to roll it out.  I decided that I would make a pie, just to use up the dough.  So, I mixed up some pumpkin pie batter, and rolled out the dough and baked a pie.  On a Friday.  For no reason.  Awesome. 

Taco Pie (sort of):  Since we were in a 'pie' mood, we wanted a taco pie for dinner.  But, in my new found cooking world, I no longer have Bisquick in my pantry.  I don't use it for pancakes, so why would I have it.  Oh yea, so I can make taco pie.  Instead, I thought I would try a pie crust from scratch.  Bad idea.  I thought to pre-bake the crust, so it wouldn't get soggy.  Nope, it slid right down the sides of the pie dish.  I thought it might turn out okay, but it didn't.  We ate the yummy stuff on the top (taco meat, refried beans, cheese) and tossed the under cooked mushy crust at the bottom.  No complaints, we still got dinner out of the deal.

You know those days where you really have something important and profound to say.  Yea, this isn't one of them.

It's Friday, which is nice because the kids get out of school an hour early, and then I don't care when they go to bed, so it's currently 11:40pm, and all 4 of my kids are still awake.  Perhaps I am a bad parent, but I figure they don't have to be up until about noon, to get to church at 1pm.  So what do I care if they stay up.  They love that.

Katie finally watched the last 2 Pirates of the Caribbean disks from NetFlix, so I can finally return them (they've been here about 2 weeks).  And I finally finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo, which is very long but very good.  I have ordered the latest version on NetFlix, which I have seen before but can't really remember.  I do remember that they ended it much different from the book and some of the important people aren't in it.  But, I still remember it being good. 

And I finished the evening addressing and signing my Christmas cards.  I didn't finish my list, but I got it started.  I'm hoping to finish it up tomorrow and get them out into the mail by Monday... We'll see.

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