Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013

Outside Temp: 29 F (we got into the mid-40's and as low as the mid teens... still some snow on the ground.)

What I cooked today:
Chicken and Rice: I tossed some frozen broccoli into my chicken, just to liven it up a little.  I had to warn my husband, so he was good enough to say, "It's great.", instead of, "what the heck is this?".  It worked like a charm, and I heard no complaints about the meal!

Allen came down with the cold pretty badly and was out of school all last week.  On Thursday (we don't have school on Fridays), Connor was the only one able to make it.  Katie thought she was coming down with the bug, and Ryan was acting a little tired, so they both stayed home.  Katie turned out to just be tired herself, as she was fine by the afternoon.  So, Connor was so proud of himself for being the only Simpson in school that day. 

So, wouldn't you know it, he came down with it on Friday.  He spent all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday in his room, either in his bed, or watching video's on the computer, while coughing up a lung and irritating his nose with tissues.

By today, he was feeling a little better, so I'm planning on sending him to school tomorrow.  We'll see if it's okay.  Allen is better and finally went back to school today.  Fortunately, I brought home his homework every day, so he isn't that behind in his classes.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

Outside Temp: 33 F (the snow is turning to slush everywhere, just in time to turn to ice the next time it freezes!  Praying I don't slip.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: I don't know how these working women manage to get dinner on the table, but it was quite the stretch to actually get protein and starch on the table for dinner, before 8pm, but I did it... Yea, me.

I got to sub for our Special Ed teacher today (and every day this week), which means that I get to get up and dressed in the morning.  I feel a little bad for my kids at 8:30am, since I tend to yawn for the first hour or so.  They kept asking me if I was tired... I wasn't really tired, but I still kept yawning.  Not really inspirational, I know.

The kids had their Spelling Bee this afternoon, and amazingly, both Connor and Katie placed!  Connor came in 4th and Katie came in 5th, which means they both get to go to the county spelling bee in Stanford in February!  So proud of them both!

Allen has managed to come down with the bug that is going around, so I kept him home from school today.  He's not awful, but his cough is really hacking.  I'm not sure if it's better enough for him to go to school tomorrow, but he's trying to get his homework done anyway.  We'll see how it goes in the morning. 

My game design class is going great.  Everyone is 'Ahead' of the class's required schedule, thank goodness, and most of them are actually ahead of my schedule, which is a little more aggressive.  I want them to get done with the class by the first of May, since school should be out by May 15th (or so), so I am really pushing them.  I have 4 of them already starting on their first game design document, which is kind of exciting.  They are a little nervous, since it's a little foreign, but they are trying which is all I can ask for!

And, Ryan is now staying at school until noon, which gives him an extra 30 minutes of recess after lunch.  He's doing great, trying to eat his lunch, although some days it requires a little finesse.  He LOVES the fruit, and is learning about eating the meat.  Of course, yesterday, he stole a grape off of another teacher's plate, but I'm hoping that is just because I was there and he was testing me.  I almost stabbed his hand with my fork, but better judgement kicked in and I simply told him to say he was sorry.  Oh yea, that would have gone over really well...

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013

Outside Temp: 41 F (started out at 15 and heated up to 55 today... awesome)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... Grandma did all the cooking, which is good since I was working today!

Happy 9th Birthday to my youngest, Ryan!

It may be hard for most people to realize how amazing it is that Ryan is even here, for this birthday.  When he was about 19 months (just shy of 2 years old), he was dying from liver failure.  He had been in the hospital almost continuously from birth, and had multiple (about 15) surgeries to try to repair his intestines.  They had all failed, due to an unknown blood clotting disorder, that we didn't know about until he was about 2 1/2.  We had been on the transplant list since June 2005, and in November 2005, we got the call. 

While his transplant of his liver and small intestine was a success, we had multiple set backs and infections, the most significant was a clot in the intestine that caused about 50% of the transplanted intestine to die.  We have never been able to determine if the remaining intestine worked enough for him to live on. 

Since he was born, Ryan has been on TPN, which is an IV solution that is given to him every night through a permanent IV catheter in his chest.  Which means that every night, he is hooked up to a pump, which gives him all the nutrients and vitamins that he needs to survive.  Of course, he is also on some immuno-suppression drugs, but those are insignificant compared to his TPN.  We are constantly aware that if he does not get his TPN tonight, and every night, really bad things could happen.  There are some signs that his intestines are starting to work, but it will be years (if ever) that he could eat enough and digest enough to live without his nightly TPN.

However, in a lot of ways, Ryan is just like any other kid.  He gets ready for school with his backpack, and his snow pants, and his boots, just like any other kid.  He loves playing Lego X Box games (he's currently addicted to Lego Batman and Lego Lord of the Rings...).  He goes skiing with us, although he doesn't want to listen, he just wants to go fast.  And when I tell him that it's bedtime, he begs me to let him have 'five more minutes, please!'. 

Of course, for Ryan, getting sick means a trip to the hospital.  And bedtime means getting a shot in the leg, and getting hooked up to his TPN.  And, we spoil him rotten, letting him get away with things that I would NEVER let his siblings get away with.  But I wouldn't have it any other way, because he is here.  And that is enough to make up for any little inconveniences along the way. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013

Outside Temp: 29 F (we had a little more snow today, but it actually warmed up from 11 to 29...)

What I cooked today:
Nothing:  Allen made Alfredo for the kids, while Patrick and I went to faith class... I ended up with a fried egg sandwich for dinner... It's okay... we have enough eggs...

I got to sub for the English class today, which means that I got to read 'Animal Farm' to the Junior High class.  Totally awesome.  I also got to read Walt Whitman, which I didn't like, but what can you do. 

When class was over, it was blowing snow outside, but it wasn't bad and we got home just fine. 

I get to teach again tomorrow, so I guess this is what normal people do.  They wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, veg out for a few hours, then go to sleep and start again in the morning... While it seemed to go by quickly and I had fun, it doesn't make up much as far as a blog post.  Sorry. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 13, 2013

Outside Temp: 16 F (High of 21, low of 8... not too bad.. no negatives.)

What I cooked today:
Split Pea Soup: We had a ham bone from dinner last night, and I just couldn't let it go to waste.  I threw all the stuff into the crock pot before we left to go skiing, so it was ready when we got home.  Next time, I have GOT to remember to wrap the bone in cheesecloth, because those little bits of fat are kind of ucky in the soup. 

Ski Day!

Even with the snow, we decided to head up to the ski slopes.  We got a late start, and forgot Connor's boots under the heated blanket.  But, we were able to rent boots and they still got about 2-3 hours on the slopes. 

We brought Ryan this time, but left Katie at home with Grandma (she's still getting over her bug).  Allen and Connor did great on the slopes and Connor has really advanced in his skiing.  He and Allen took off and skied by themselves for a little bit, as Patrick (and then Grandpa) tried to ski with Ryan.  He has forgotten a lot of what he learned last year, but he still got up on the skis and did fine.  He needs to learn to follow directions a little better, but perhaps that will happen next time.

Ryan and Patrick on the ski slopes!

I got to stay in the lodge and eat chili and drink hot chocolate, so I had no complaints!  It was a little chilly outside, with the snow and the wind, and I really need to get better snow clothes.  I was pretty sure that I would have strengthened my knee a little better by this season, but here we are in January, and my knee is still pretty weak.  I may just decide to try it out, but I'm really not looking forward to popping the kneecap, while I'm up on the mountain.  Oh well, you never know until you try, right?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013

Outside Temp: 10 F (We got as low as -12 last night, but it warmed up to the mid teens today... no complaints!)

What I cooked today:
German Chocolate Cake: It was Patrick's Dad's birthday today, and he requested a German Chocolate cake.  Easy enough, since I relied on Patrick's Mom's stockpile of Betty Crocker cake mixes...

We had a great dinner up at the Grandparent's house for Grandpa's birthday.  Otherwise, we spent most of the day relaxing (with the exception of the 2 hours in which I requested the kids help me pick up the house.  I did manage to get about 4 loads of laundry done, so that's always good!) 

Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11, 2012

Outside Temp: -7 (it was just above 0 most of the day, but finally cooled off after the sun went down...)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Soup: It seemed like a soup day, but rather than just add chicken to my soup, I made up burgers.  That way, I got soup, but the kids still got some protein! 

So, yesterday (1/10), I substituted for the K-2 class, and had my Game Design class in the afternoon.  I survived the class just fine, especially since there were only the 2 of them most of the day... really hard!  During the day, it snowed.  Not a ton of snow, but enough snow that there was snow on the ground. 

The boys had pep band, so we just all headed into Stanford for the game.  Then, we all headed home, in the storm.  It was pretty bad, enough so that when I got home, I just crawled in my bed, grateful to be home safely. 

It continued to snow, so that this morning, there was a significant amount of snow on the ground.  Which means that my children were required to get up, get on their snow clothes, and go play in the snow.
Behind the cool glasses is Ryan!
Allen is attempting to make a fort, which is hard when the snow is so dry (by the way, that's Ryan way in the back!)
Connor had very cold hands by the end
Katie just loves playing in the snow!

The playing outside lasted all of about 15-30 minutes (which was kind of lame, since it took about 20 minutes just to get everyone dressed!).  To be fair, it was about 3 degrees outside, and the snow was so powdery that they couldn't form a snowball (or even attempt a snowman).  Instead, they just did the normal snow angel and bury your siblings in the snow.  They had some fun, but they were happy when I allowed them to go back inside, to their electronics. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

Outside Temp: 45 F (the weather is supposed to turn to snow this evening... I can't see it actually happening, but you never know around here!)

What I cooked today:
Not much: Allen made Alfredo and it turned out pretty good.  Of course, it's not exactly hard. 

Katie is finally getting better... or at least better enough to head back to school tomorrow.  She has 3 days worth of homework, so I'm sure there is a part of her which is really not looking forward to going back, but she got most of it done today, so she should be good.

I may end up substituting tomorrow, which will be fun, depending on the weather. 

My Game Design class is starting to get fun.  All of my students are started and some of them are already ahead of my schedule (which is pretty aggressive).  They are getting their first grades back from their first quiz, and they are all doing great.  I only hope that they stay on task and keep having fun.  The homework for the weekend is to play 3 games and analyze them... oh tough assignment. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 40 F (no snow... clear and beautiful today)

What I cooked today:
Beef Stew: I knew I'd be out this evening, so I finally made the beef stew that I've been meaning to make for about 6 days.  It turned out great, and it was so easy, that I can't figure out why I don't make it more often!

Katie stayed home sick from school today.  She will probably miss tomorrow as well, since she is so out of it.  She isn't crying over her sore throat anymore, but she's still stuffy and feverish and not up to normal yet.  I've gotten her homework and most of her tests are on Thursday, so I figure if she spends another day at home, trying to remember how to study, then she can head back to class on Thursday.  Also, if she's contagious, I think everyone would appreciate her staying away from the school.

Today, we got to start our Game Design class.  The first few days are always boring, with going over syllabus and orientation stuff.  But, today, I ran the kids through the basics and got them started right in on their work.  Their first quiz is tomorrow, so I've come up with some study questions that should help them out.  I looked through the class assignments and it looks like a lot of fun.  I only hope that the students are as excited as I am!

We also had our book club tonight.  I tried, really really hard to get through the book, but I just couldn't make myself finish it.  Oh well, I still went to book club and got to spend some time around some awesome women.  And, I got next month's book, which looks a lot more interesting!

Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7, 2013

Outside Temp: 41 F (I heard there was an option of little white fluffy things, but at 41, I'm not expecting it... all the snow is melting on our front lawn.)

What I cooked today:
Chili and Cornbread: Amazingly, everyone (except Ryan) ate all the chili in their bowl.  That's kind of unusual in our house, when at least one child usually complains about either what I cooked or how they feel.  Yet, tonight, I had 2 requests for seconds and everyone's bowl was empty.  Woo hoo!

I'm feeling better today.. not great, but better.  But that doesn't help my daughter, who came home from school today with a fever and a very, very sore throat.  She spent most of the day in bed, alternating between cough drops, sore throat sprays and Tylenol.  I'm keeping her home tomorrow, since I seriously doubt if she's going to be up to going back to school.   I was at the debating stage of taking her into town to the doctor, to make sure it's not strep throat or something equally irritating.

The good news is that the boys are doing fine.  Ryan had a great day back to school, and even had a little bit of lunch with his class.  He'll be on his IV antibiotics for another 10 days or so, but since he only has them once a day, it's not really a problem.

And, I actually cooked something for dinner.  It's been a few days since I made any significant effort in the kitchen. Although chili and cornbread isn't exactly hard to make, it did take a small amount of effort and for that, I'm patting myself on the back.  Now, I'm heading back to bed.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6, 2013

Outside Temp: 35 F (strange weather... it was as high as 61 and as low as 16 today... clear and beautiful)

What I cooked today:
Papa Murphy's Pizza: I had Patrick pick up pizza, because I felt so crummy that I really didn't want to cook.  I have some beef defrosted, so I HAVE to make it tomorrow.

RYAN IS HOME!!  His doctors said that he could go home today.  The only thing stopping us was getting the antibiotics from the pharmacy.  But, since they are 'once a day', they just gave us tonight's dose a little early, and sent us home.  We are going into town tomorrow to pick up the rest.

He looks great!  Patrick said he really misses his bed.  The bed at the hospital is better than nothing, but it's very narrow and he said the blankets weren't thick enough.  He's looking forward to sleeping with his own pillow and blankets tonight!

I spent most of the day in bed, again.  This bug has really knocked me down.  Patrick brought home some Sudafed, so that really helped.  I'm praying that I wake up tomorrow feeling fine, and ready to start the day.  Mostly, because the laundry is piling up and the house looks like a hurricane ran through it.  I hate it when I'm sick.

Allen and Grandpa went skiing this afternoon.  Allen is really enjoying it, and I think we are planning on going back up the mountain on Friday, with all the kids.  I can't wait to get Ryan back up on skis!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 17 F (warm enough today that I actually opened up a few windows... then I realized that 50 degrees outside, with wind, is still cold, and I closed them.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... I made some soup for Katie and I, but other than that, the kids were on their own.  I had a sandwich and some M&Ms for dinner... bad mom.

So, I think that I caught a different bug.  I was sick a few days ago, but I was pretty sure that I got over it and I was doing fine.  Then, last night, I just got smacked down by another head cold.  I couldn't sleep and my head was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.  I woke up at 6am, with my nose swelled shut. 

As luck would have it, Katie seems to have roughly the same bug.  So, she and I spent most of the day in bed, sleeping, sniffling, sneezing and praying for the ability to breathe.  Grandpa gave us some really cool nasal wash stuff, which helped.  But, I was still tired and whiny all day.  I hate that.

The boys went to church without us, and then Grandpa was awesome and went with them to the basketball game tonight.  The boys are both in the pep band, which means that they play at all the home games.  I might have been able to pull my lazy bum out of bed to take them to the game, but I was more than willing to let Grandpa help out.

Ryan is still doing great.  They identified the bug (an E. Coli, which is kind of what we expected) and they switched his antibiotics to one that is only once a day, which is totally easy for us (the alternative is antibiotics that are twice, three times and sometimes four times a day... those suck).  Patrick is surviving his incarceration at the hospital with Ryan by alternating sleeping and playing video games... oh the rough life. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2012

Outside Temp: 35 F (it was over 50 today, the snow is melting into slush...)

What I cooked today:
Nothing.. I've got to stop doing that.

Ryan is still doing great.  He's getting bored, sitting in the hospital, which is totally expected.  His XBox wasn't working, which was causing him grief, but I brought in the tablet so he could play Angry Birds, and he was happy again.  His nurse then did some magic on the XBox and made it work, so he really has no complaints.

We should be getting the sensitivities to the bug tomorrow, which will ensure that we are using the right antibiotics.  We know that the meds he is on are working, but it's possible that there are meds that work even better.  If all goes well, we should be thinking about going home on Monday.

The kids and I went into town to visit with Ryan, only to find that the hospital has requested that kids under 18 stay away from the patent's rooms.  Since the flu is so bad this year, they are trying to be extra careful, especially around the infants and children.  So, we took the kids out to dinner, and had a quick trip to the bookstore, but they didn't get to see Ryan.  But, they did end up with new books, so they were okay about it.  And, I guess it's a good policy, even if I personally find it annoying. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2012

Outside Temp:  38 F (it feels colder in here, but it might be because I turned down the heater, since I couldn't justify heating the house when it's above freezing outside... I might want to re-think that.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... the boys attempted to make Alfredo sauce for pasta, but Allen looked up 'white sauce', not 'alfredo' and ended up with a milk and flour mixture that, "had no flavor"... you think?  No Parmesan or garlic or anything.  Just milk and flour.  He has since learned that 'white sauce' is a base... you add things to it. 

Ryan is doing great!  I cannot say enough how amazing antibiotics are! 

So, last night, he was admitted to the hospital with a 104.6 fever, chills and vomiting, which started about 30 minutes after we hooked up his TPN.  Classic line infection.  The hospital had us go right up to our room, where the nurse and doctor were waiting for us.  The took his vitals and got some blood for labs, and immediately ordered his antibiotics.  He got his first dose about an hour after we left the house, or about 20 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. 

They have him on 2 antibiotics, so as soon as the first was done, they hooked up the second.  His fever remained for about another hour after the second antibiotic, then it started coming down.  By 3am, his fever was down to 101 and by 9am (after his second dose of both antibiotics), it was totally gone.

I came in to see him after school, and he was doing great.  He was watching a movie, and other than being a little glassy eyed and tired, he was fine.  No fever, no chills, no aches.  LOVE IT!!  The biggest complaint he had was that the XBox in his room didn't work and he couldn't play his games.  They promised to fix it tomorrow morning.

He will probably stay in the hospital over the weekend, to make sure he's on the right antibiotics and that the bug is actually out of his line.  We also need to have our pharmacy make up antibiotics for him to finish a 2-3 week course, so if all goes well, we should be home by Monday.  Woo hoo!

I also had a great day with my Game Design class.  Yesterday, we ended up with 11 students, which may sound like a small amount, but we only had 9 computers, so that would be a problem.  We ended up splitting the class into two class periods, and simply moved a few student's study hall periods around, so now I have 2 classes of 5 students each (one student decided to TA instead of taking my class).  I talked to the kids about what games they liked and what they played, and I think a few of them might actually be interested in learning something.  One student said, "It's a skill... It's always good to learn new skills.".  I love that! 

Tomorrow is our last Friday for a while.  We have 4 day school weeks during the winter from January through March, which is totally awesome.  Grandpa is already planning our weekly ski trips on Fridays and I can't wait.  I might even get up on skis this year!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

Outside Temp: 15 F (pretty clear most of the day.  It started at 2 degrees, and made it up to 49!)

What I cooked today:
Meatloaf and broccoli:  I was going to go with burgers, but thought, nah, that's boring.  Let's try something else.  Meatloaf came to mind.  Simple, easy and yummy.  And it went great with the broccoli that has been in my fridge for over a week, waiting patiently for me to cook it.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.  Especially with me continually commenting on how great things are going.  Patrick is on his way into the hospital with Ryan.  He spiked a fever when we hooked up his TPN this evening, so we probably have a line infection.

He was a little punky last night, but we thought it might just be the bug that I was fighting, so we gave him a single dose of Tylenol and he was fine.  He got up this morning, and seemed to be doing okay.  We kept him home from school, just in case.  He played most of the day, although there were a few times that he complained about being tired and not really hungry.  We, again, figured it might just be the bug. 

The fever came on much faster and harder tonight.  We hooked up his TPN at 9:30pm, and by 10:00, he was shaking and shivering.  So we just bundled him up and raced to the car.  The hospital has a plan in place for us, so we are just bringing him right up to the floor, where his nurse will be waiting for him.  If all goes well, he should be getting his first round of antibiotics by 11:30-midnight.  We also gave him a dose of Tylenol, so hopefully, he'll be feeling (a little) better by the time he gets into the hospital.

On a lighter note, it was the first day back to school from Christmas break.  And it was also the first day of my Game Design class.  Last semester, I mentored a Web Design class with 3 students in it.  No problem and the students did great.  This semester, somehow, in my Game Design class, I ended up with 11 students, which is most of the high school.  Wow.  I'm assuming that it has more to do with the students desire NOT to take the weights PE class, which is the only other class offered during 8th period.  I'm sure my teaching is not that much of a draw.  I only hope that they learn something and have some fun. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

Outside Temp: 21 F (we got some snow today, which was just beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Pizza and Macs & Cheese: I wasn't feeling up to making a full meal, so I pulled a frozen pizza out of the freezer.  However, 1 little pizza is not enough to feed my family, so I paired it with some macs & cheese.  Not exactly a stellar meal, but it worked.

Hello Again!

I took a week (or so) off from writing my blog.  To be totally honest, I was bored with it.  I can't imagine why anyone would be interested in reading it, and after the holiday, life around here was pretty ho-hum. 

However, after getting a few little nudges, I figure that perhaps there is a reason to keep writing.  If nothing else, it keeps me finding something each day that is worthy of writing about.  Okay, not every day, but most days.

In the last week, the kids didn't have school, which means that we let them stay up as late as they want (yes, I know, we're bad parents).  They did make it up to the ski slopes last Friday, but Ryan wasn't feeling all the good, so I stayed home with him, (which means my camera stayed home as well).  The next time they go up, I'll make sure to get some pictures.

The other days we just sat around, and did almost nothing.  When the kids stay up until 2am, they don't get moving until about noon (I think Allen set the record at getting up at 3pm...). With the days being so short, that means they only see a few hours of daylight.  In a way, I'm actually looking forward to them heading back to school, just to get them back into a schedule and routine.

I've been fighting this bug for the last few days.  It came on Sunday night, and yesterday and today I spent all day tossing and turning in bed.  Around 3am last night, I woke up shivering and chattering.  I think the chattering teeth gave me a headache, but I was feeling terrible.  I threw myself into a scalding hot shower and stayed there until my body stopped shaking.  Patrick (who obviously was still awake) kept checking on me, to make sure I didn't drown.  Today, I just stayed in bed most of the day.  I managed to pull myself out of bed to make dinner, but I think that's the end of my ambition. 

School starts back up again tomorrow, which means that we get to start the 'Game Design' class.  I'm a little nervous, since I have no idea how this class will work out.  My illness just adds another layer to my stress.  Worst case, I can have Patrick go in and babysit my class, but I really don't want to miss the first day.  The kids have a 3 day week this week, and then we start our 4 day weeks (Fridays are off until late March).  They are so spoiled!