Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 2015

Current Temp:  50 degrees (it has been a very windy couple of days!)

Sorry it's been two weeks.  I'm not sure where the time has gone, but it feels like it's flying by!

Katie went to State Science Fair in Missoula and received a Red Ribbon, which is fabulous for a 7th grader!  I'm really proud of her!  The boys were a little bummed that they couldn't go, but it gave them incentive to do better on their projects next year.

The end of the quarter was on the 12th, so we finally had report cards and parent teacher conferences this last week.  The kids are all doing well (straight A's for both Katie and Connor, Allen is struggling with a B in Algebra 2, but otherwise, all A's), and I'm struggling to find something to complain about.  Of course, with me teaching math, it's kind of ironic that Allen is struggling, but he doesn't have me for a teacher.  :)

Connor was given the Spotlight in the local newspaper this week:

I'm not sure if you can read it, but it's very 'Connor-ish'.   He talks about his book and what he likes in school.  It's always fun to see how my kids see themselves.  In his case, he says he is very 'artsy-craftsy' and wants to go into something like Architecture or Writing.  I can totally see that. 

Over the science fair weekend, Kathryn managed to spill something on Allen's Surface, so we decided it was time to upgrade him.  The difference between the repair bill and a new Surface wasn't too much, so Allen got a new Surface Pro 3 this last week.  Of course, this means that his Surface is better than mine, but I guess that's okay.  He LOVES it!  I think he likes the novelty more than anything, but it has gotten him back into his art.  He can use the pen to write notes and is also trying to get himself better organized on his school work.  We'll see if that lasts.

Ryan is doing great.  He will start his Smarter Balanced standardized testing next week, so we'll see how that goes.  Not really looking forward to it, but I guess it has to be done.  If they are good prompts and good stories, he will do fine.  If they are boring, he will probably do poorly.  No worries.

Patrick has been working hard.  It's kind of funny, as he probably isn't working much harder than he was before, but now he's getting paid better.  No complaints from my side.  He really likes that he can try new things.  His latest includes conversations with Microsoft about how their software works.  He loves it, feeling like he can influence the design of a tool he uses anyway. 

As for me, I'm good.  I've been trying to exercise more and eat better, which seems to be helping me feel more energized and excited.  I had a rough day at work last week, but managed to get through it.  Sometimes it's hard to teach students who want to play the 'I'm helpless' card.  In my mind, it is simply that they lack the motivation.  Which is frustrating.  But, I still have students that make me smile and make me feel good about teaching them.  As long as I keep my eye on the students who really WANT my help, I think I'll do okay.

Have a fabulous week and I'll write again soon!! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the kids are really thriving up there! I'm super glad to hear that.

    That article about Connor's book is making me feel the heat. I guess I better hurry up and get my editing done!

    Gratz to Katie for getting her Science Fair award. She's always liked all those science-y shows like Myth Busters, so I'm not surprised she'd do well. Maybe she'll end up in a STEM career some day...

    Uncle Don sent us some other pics of Allen's art from Facebook. My favorite is the scene that is primarily red, with a jagged landscape. Very sci-fi. I still have his very first oil painting up in my office here at home. It's a Chinese mountain scene. I love the textures that oil and acrylic provide. Maybe he can take some of this digital art and convert it into different tactile mediums.

    They need to consult with Ryan to develop those tests. He could tell them what kinds of topics would hold interest for his demographic. It's true for a lot of kids: they just shut down if it doesn't interest them. I've read many a boring passage in those tests and wondered what were they thinking when they included that?

    Glad Pat's enjoying his new job. He seemed really excited about it when he came down. We're looking forward to the next visit!

    I fully endorse your exercise and healthy eating endeavors. If there's anything that really boosts MY energy and mood, it's healthy living. Spring is so motivating! Must be tough to exercise when the weather's rough, though. I prefer being outdoors when I'm active, so my endurance is always way down after being lazy and laying around all winter. I almost killed myself biking this week after being sedentary for awhile. Good thing it doesn't take too long to bounce back. (It's not like the climate here is tough in the winter, LOL. I could be outside year around, but I'm just a big wimp.) Being healthy and active will help you feel better when you're stressed at work, too. Keep it up!

