Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 15th, 2015

Current Temp:  54... beautiful awesome day in the high 60's yesterday... snow on the forecast for today.

The Regional Science Fair was in Great Falls this last week.  Rather than allowing anyone to go to State in Missoula this year, Mrs. Thompson required that the students achieve a Blue ribbon (1st place) at Regionals.  It makes sense, since kids really just want the days off, but don't want to do the work.  As a result, NEITHER Allen or Connor will be going to State this year.  They both got Red Ribbons (2nd place).  Not too much of a shock, since neither really spent much time on their projects.  However, both were bummed, especially since the hotel in Missoula has a water slide.  On the flip side, Kathryn did get a Blue and will be heading to State in about 2-3 hours.  They will drive over there today (Sunday), to miss the storm and make sure they have a good nights rest before competing tomorrow.  Yea, Katie!!  I'm so proud of her!

Patrick had his first full week of salaried work in a very long time.  I think he believed that things would be pretty much the same, but he's finding himself on the phone in meetings a heck of a lot more than before.  He's also pretty much 'on-call' at all times, so I think we are going to have to do something different with our office arrangement.  This week, he was on the phone twice around 11pm, while we were all trying to sleep.  It's hard when he's talking in his loud voice about 10 feet away from your bed (and the walls are really, really thin).   We've talked about moving the desk to another part of the house, but that only really moves the problem from me and Katie and Ryan to Allen and Connor.  So, we are debating adding onto the house to create an office for him.  Probably a project for the summer, but it might be a good idea.  The other option is to clean up one of the outbuildings and put him out there.  I can't imagine Patrick waking up, getting dressed and 'going to the office', even an office 20 feet out the back door.  But who knows?

Ryan got labs drawn on Friday and was amazing.  He walked in, sat in the chair, put out his arm and let them draw his labs.  No crying or flinching or moving or whining.  So easy.  I guess he decided that it was easier than fighting it.  :)  Of course, after that, we had about 6 hours of shopping to do, and he was a pill.  But, I'll take what I can get.

The rest of the shopping on Friday consisted of getting meds for Ryan, getting Ryan new jeans (as he is too big for his old ones!), getting Kathryn some new dresses for State Science Fair and Easter, and getting Allen AND Connor fitted for tuxes for Prom.  Connor will be going with Nikki, one of his really good friends and classmates from Geyser.  Allen picked up a new girl from Cascade High School at the Regional Science fair, and said he would be going with her.  We haven't met her yet, but his old girlfriend from Cascade approves.  Oh jeez, only in Montana.  Apparently, she is really, really smart, so that's a good thing.

Connor got to spend the weekend up with Grandma and Grandpa.  I think he just really likes the big bed, which kind of cracks me up.  But he asked on the way home from school Thursday if he could go up there Thursday night, so I said fine.  Then he came shopping with us, and headed right back up there after we were done.  Hopefully, he will come home soon, but I think he's enjoying his 'me' time with Grandma and Grandpa. 

I managed to pick up the kids cold (it's about time), so I've spent the last two-three days whimpering and whining.  Kinda bummed that I missed the Raynesford Community Center St. Patrick's day dinner and auction last night, but I figured it was safer for all involved if I stayed in my bed and didn't contaminate everyone else. 

I intended to get pictures of everyone for this week, and just realized I didn't do it.  I'll try to get some pictures next week!

Have a good one!

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