Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 29, 2015

Current Temp:  50 degrees (it has been a very windy couple of days!)

Sorry it's been two weeks.  I'm not sure where the time has gone, but it feels like it's flying by!

Katie went to State Science Fair in Missoula and received a Red Ribbon, which is fabulous for a 7th grader!  I'm really proud of her!  The boys were a little bummed that they couldn't go, but it gave them incentive to do better on their projects next year.

The end of the quarter was on the 12th, so we finally had report cards and parent teacher conferences this last week.  The kids are all doing well (straight A's for both Katie and Connor, Allen is struggling with a B in Algebra 2, but otherwise, all A's), and I'm struggling to find something to complain about.  Of course, with me teaching math, it's kind of ironic that Allen is struggling, but he doesn't have me for a teacher.  :)

Connor was given the Spotlight in the local newspaper this week:

I'm not sure if you can read it, but it's very 'Connor-ish'.   He talks about his book and what he likes in school.  It's always fun to see how my kids see themselves.  In his case, he says he is very 'artsy-craftsy' and wants to go into something like Architecture or Writing.  I can totally see that. 

Over the science fair weekend, Kathryn managed to spill something on Allen's Surface, so we decided it was time to upgrade him.  The difference between the repair bill and a new Surface wasn't too much, so Allen got a new Surface Pro 3 this last week.  Of course, this means that his Surface is better than mine, but I guess that's okay.  He LOVES it!  I think he likes the novelty more than anything, but it has gotten him back into his art.  He can use the pen to write notes and is also trying to get himself better organized on his school work.  We'll see if that lasts.

Ryan is doing great.  He will start his Smarter Balanced standardized testing next week, so we'll see how that goes.  Not really looking forward to it, but I guess it has to be done.  If they are good prompts and good stories, he will do fine.  If they are boring, he will probably do poorly.  No worries.

Patrick has been working hard.  It's kind of funny, as he probably isn't working much harder than he was before, but now he's getting paid better.  No complaints from my side.  He really likes that he can try new things.  His latest includes conversations with Microsoft about how their software works.  He loves it, feeling like he can influence the design of a tool he uses anyway. 

As for me, I'm good.  I've been trying to exercise more and eat better, which seems to be helping me feel more energized and excited.  I had a rough day at work last week, but managed to get through it.  Sometimes it's hard to teach students who want to play the 'I'm helpless' card.  In my mind, it is simply that they lack the motivation.  Which is frustrating.  But, I still have students that make me smile and make me feel good about teaching them.  As long as I keep my eye on the students who really WANT my help, I think I'll do okay.

Have a fabulous week and I'll write again soon!! 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 15th, 2015

Current Temp:  54... beautiful awesome day in the high 60's yesterday... snow on the forecast for today.

The Regional Science Fair was in Great Falls this last week.  Rather than allowing anyone to go to State in Missoula this year, Mrs. Thompson required that the students achieve a Blue ribbon (1st place) at Regionals.  It makes sense, since kids really just want the days off, but don't want to do the work.  As a result, NEITHER Allen or Connor will be going to State this year.  They both got Red Ribbons (2nd place).  Not too much of a shock, since neither really spent much time on their projects.  However, both were bummed, especially since the hotel in Missoula has a water slide.  On the flip side, Kathryn did get a Blue and will be heading to State in about 2-3 hours.  They will drive over there today (Sunday), to miss the storm and make sure they have a good nights rest before competing tomorrow.  Yea, Katie!!  I'm so proud of her!

Patrick had his first full week of salaried work in a very long time.  I think he believed that things would be pretty much the same, but he's finding himself on the phone in meetings a heck of a lot more than before.  He's also pretty much 'on-call' at all times, so I think we are going to have to do something different with our office arrangement.  This week, he was on the phone twice around 11pm, while we were all trying to sleep.  It's hard when he's talking in his loud voice about 10 feet away from your bed (and the walls are really, really thin).   We've talked about moving the desk to another part of the house, but that only really moves the problem from me and Katie and Ryan to Allen and Connor.  So, we are debating adding onto the house to create an office for him.  Probably a project for the summer, but it might be a good idea.  The other option is to clean up one of the outbuildings and put him out there.  I can't imagine Patrick waking up, getting dressed and 'going to the office', even an office 20 feet out the back door.  But who knows?

Ryan got labs drawn on Friday and was amazing.  He walked in, sat in the chair, put out his arm and let them draw his labs.  No crying or flinching or moving or whining.  So easy.  I guess he decided that it was easier than fighting it.  :)  Of course, after that, we had about 6 hours of shopping to do, and he was a pill.  But, I'll take what I can get.

The rest of the shopping on Friday consisted of getting meds for Ryan, getting Ryan new jeans (as he is too big for his old ones!), getting Kathryn some new dresses for State Science Fair and Easter, and getting Allen AND Connor fitted for tuxes for Prom.  Connor will be going with Nikki, one of his really good friends and classmates from Geyser.  Allen picked up a new girl from Cascade High School at the Regional Science fair, and said he would be going with her.  We haven't met her yet, but his old girlfriend from Cascade approves.  Oh jeez, only in Montana.  Apparently, she is really, really smart, so that's a good thing.

Connor got to spend the weekend up with Grandma and Grandpa.  I think he just really likes the big bed, which kind of cracks me up.  But he asked on the way home from school Thursday if he could go up there Thursday night, so I said fine.  Then he came shopping with us, and headed right back up there after we were done.  Hopefully, he will come home soon, but I think he's enjoying his 'me' time with Grandma and Grandpa. 

I managed to pick up the kids cold (it's about time), so I've spent the last two-three days whimpering and whining.  Kinda bummed that I missed the Raynesford Community Center St. Patrick's day dinner and auction last night, but I figured it was safer for all involved if I stayed in my bed and didn't contaminate everyone else. 

I intended to get pictures of everyone for this week, and just realized I didn't do it.  I'll try to get some pictures next week!

Have a good one!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

March 7, 2015

Current Temp:  43 degrees (apparently it rained a little today) 

When I began this blog about 3 1/2 years ago, I gave myself the goal to write every day.  And, for the first year and a half, I did write every day.  Even on days where I had nothing to say, I still wrote something.  

Then, about 2 years ago, I decided I was bored.  I couldn't think of anyone who would be even mildly interested in what was going on in our lives and I stopped writing.  Little did I know, there were people who were interested in our lives.  And I apologize to those people for hiding for the last two years.

So, I will attempt to write again.  Not every day, but maybe once a week or so.  The kids are getting old so fast, and I would love to have this blog to look back on.  I will NOT be posting to Facebook when I post, so if you want to get the updates, I believe there is a link on the side that will email you every time I post something new.  

Summary of the last two years:

About me:  I decided that I wanted to teach full time.  So, I went back to school and got a second Bachelors in Mathematics - Secondary Education.  I wanted to take all those education classes, just to make sure I wasn't missing something.  Working through WGU, and taking into account that I already had a BA and could transfer all my core classes, I was able to complete my BA in about 16 months.  I finished up my student teaching in December 2014 and I am now I certified math teacher (5-12) in Montana.  Our math teacher in Geyser is cutting back her hours, and I was able to help out by teaching a few of her classes, and my own computer classes and online classes.  It's busy, but fun.

I also became the Speech and Drama coach for Geyser.  Allen wanted to take Speech, so we co-op'ed with Stanford and Denton and I became the third coach.  We attended about 8-9 meets this season (October - Jan 2015) and had a great time.  I learned a lot and I'm looking forward to next year's season!

About Patrick:  Patrick has continued to work with RevShare in Temecula, CA, for the last 3 years. He does all his work from here, and it's great.  But, in the last few months, we realized that he could get so much more done for the company if he was an employee rather than a consultant.  So, for the first time in about 6 years, Patrick has a full time job again.  He will still be working from home, but he is an employee rather than a contractor.  His first assignment was a quick flight down to Temecula to meet and greet everyone, sign docs and just get a face-to-face with the team.   He is super excited about the opportunity to work on projects, and not feel required to document why he does everything,  Hopefully, this will make it easier and also keep him focused and excited.  

About Allen:  Allen is currently a sophomore and is 16... This means that yes, he is driving.  However, there isn't much chance to do anything so we haven't had any problems.  As I mentioned before, he joined Speech and Debate this year.  He had a great time, competing in both Extemporaneous Speaking and Lincoln-Douglas debate.  He went to State in LD and learned a lot!  He enjoyed Extemp, and did very well, but he really wanted the back-and-forth of LD debate.  Some of the kids he competed against were seniors who had done this for years.  He was quite excited for next year by the time the season ended.  

He also became quite notorious at the meets for his dancing.  For anyone who has never been to a SAD meet, there is a LOT of waiting around between events.  Allen would be that kid that would grab a girl and jitterbug around while waiting.  Never afraid to be himself, he met a ton of people and had a great season.

In addition, Allen also did Cross Country this year.  Cross Country events are 3 miles (5K) and he qualified for state with a time of ~28 minutes.  He did great, especially since his starting time was about ~40 minutes.  He's already committed to next year!  

About Connor:  Connor joined Allen in Cross Country, although he honestly had no desire to do so.  That being said, he improved his time immensely, going from almost 50 minutes to about 32 minutes by the end of the season.  Although he didn't qualify for State, he improved so much that I can't wait to see what he can do next season.

In addition, he is still working on his book.  It is finished, and now he's in the editing stage (which may be harder than writing the first time).  He is a freshman this year, and is still top of his class.  He just finished his Science Fair project, and came in 1st in the high school!  The last week, he has been fighting a cold, but he managed to fake it enough through the judging round on Tuesday.  :)

About Kathryn:  Katie is currently a 7th grader, which pretty much means that school sucks.  Anyone who has already been through middle school knows what I'm talking about.  But, we are lucky and she is doing fine in her classes.  I hope that she will find life better over time, but at 12 years old, I don't think there is much I can do for her.  She is really into her books (usually mythology) and she likes watching YouTube videos.  

This year she has really grown up.  She has gotten into makeup and hair stuff and clothes, and suddenly went from being my little girl to a teenager.  I am still in awe.

About Ryan:  Ryan is doing amazing.  We had a rough Christmas season, where we flew to Seattle twice.  He had an overgrowth of bacteria in his gut, and was loosing weight.  Fortunately, it was not rejection or anything bad, and with the right cocktail of meds, he is back and better than ever.  

Ryan is in 3rd grade this year and loving it.  He has a very small class (3 kids, including him) and a full time aide that works with him independently.  When he is feeling well, they can push him and he does great.  When he's feeling out of sorts, they let him take a break and there is no pressure.  His teacher has told me that he can obviously learn to read and write and complete his math work, but sometimes it is hard to get him to prove it.  Typical.

March 3-7, 2015

This week was the science fair.  All three kids did great.  Allen and Connor both received blue ribbons and Kathryn received a red ribbon and got 2nd in the Junior High!  They will all go to regional competition in Great Falls next week, so I hope they do well!

Patrick spent the week in California, sorting out stuff for the new job.  This meant he also got to spend some quality time with his sisters and their husbands.  It's been almost 4 years since we left and with the exception of mexican food and spending time with his sisters, there isn't much he misses.

I got to attend the Spring Meeting for Speech and Drama this weekend.  It meant I got to spend 2 days at a hotel and chat with other coaches.  Sometimes it's hard for me, because everyone already knows each other and I'm the new kids in school.  But I hope by next year, things will get better.   And I can never complain about 2 in which I couldn't do laundry, even if I wanted to.  :)