Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19, 2015

Weather:  So much fun!  Yesterday, we woke up at it was sunny, then it started to rain, then it started to snow, then it went back to overcast and by midnight, it was clear and beautiful.  A man I ran into yesterday said it was 'climate change:  all 4 seasons in 1 day!'

I haven't written in a few weeks, so I'll try to remember all that has happened!

On the 5th, we went over to Aunt Catherine's in Helena for Easter dinner.  So much fun to see the family and have a wonderful meal.  Of course, this is Montana, so we ended up having our Easter Egg hunt in the snow.  To be fair, it wasn't much snow, but it was snow and it was cold and it was fun!  Allen and Connor helped hide the eggs and Katie helped Ryan to find them.  She was a wonderful big sister and lonely went after the eggs up higher than he could see.

On the 9th, we had our pre-District concert at school.  Katie, Allen and Connor played in the band, Allen and Connor sang in the Choir, and then Allen had a solo.  He sang 'Greensleaves', and was great.  Of course, I'm totally biased and he did flub a little bit, but since this was the pre-district, we told him this was where he needed to get his nerves out. 

The District Music Festival was on the 10th and 11th, where the band and choir performed, and then Allen did his solo for a judge.  It was probably the best I had ever heard him sing, especially when the judge worked with him and got him to sound even better.  She gave him a 28/30, which is almost perfect and earned him a trip to State on the 1st.  The judge asked him if he would be majoring in music when he goes to college.  It was awesome!

This weekend was very busy, and I finally have a minute to sit and relax.  On Friday, we had our Bingo Fiesta, which is a fundraiser for the community.  While I didn't have to do anything but sit and enjoy a good meal, the kids had to work serving and helping out.  Then, on Saturday morning, Allen had his ACT test in Great Falls.  Patrick and I drove him in, and then spent a few hours shopping and waiting for him to finish up.  Yes, I know, I could have let him drive himself, but I had to do the mom thing.  He was a little worried because the time for the math test was only 45 minutes, and he had 60 questions.  Some things he didn't know, but I think he did okay.  We won't get scores back for a few weeks.

And then, last night, we had our Prom.  Both Allen and Connor went.  Connor went with his friend Nikki from school.  They are both in the same grade and are really good friends.  Allen went by himself, which worked out just fine.  They both dance all night and had a fabulous time!  Patrick and I went in to watch the 'Grand March', where Connor and Nikki were crowned Prince and Princess.  Then we took off to watch a movie to wait for it to end.  When Connor got into the car, he asked if we could have another prom next week, it was so much fun!!  I think it will take both boys about a week to get over the pain from their formal dress shoes.  Connor said he has a new respect for women who wear high heals.

Hopefully, the next few weeks are a little more restful, but I don't expect it.  Allen will be practicing for State Music, and the Junior Senior Banquet will be in a few weeks.  School will be out in about 4 weeks and we are currently planning a trip down to California to see family (and Patrick needs to check in with work) at the end of May/beginning of June. 

Hope everyone is doing well!